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Academic Team

A collection of students who enjoy competing in Academic meets or Quiz bowls. They answer questions on topics such as history, literature, science, math, pop culture, and current events. Students benefit from exposure to a broad range of school and cultural subjects, memorization and study skills, and an improved ability to cooperate and work in teams. The game is played with a lockout buzzer system between two teams consisting of four players each. A moderator reads questions to the teams, whose players endeavor to buzz in first with the correct answer, scoring points for their team.  The team is open to both 5th and 6th graders, with tryouts occurring in the 1st quarter of the school year. 

Archery Club

The purpose of this club is to expand on the basic archery skills that are taught as part of our physical education curriculum. Students who are not it PE may still be in Archery Club. We will once again take our top archers to form a competition team. They will compete against other teams in the Mustang district. The fee/dues for this club is $20, which includes a club t-shirt. These fees will go towards the purchase, maintenance and use of equipment.


Circle the State with Song (CTSWS)

Circle the State with Song logo

To qualify for CTSWS, a student must have made Honor Choir and be a member. CTSWS is a regional choir, made up of 4th-8th graders primarily throughout Canadian County. Students in CTSWS will rehearse once a week in the mornings during the Fall, and then twice a week after school throughout the month of January. CTSWS members must be self-starters with a fair amount of discipline, as they will be expected to spend time learning their specific parts of music on their own. This choir will perform on Saturday, February 6th, 2015, at the Yukon Performing Arts Center.

Honor Choir

An auditioned choir made up of 60 5th and 6th grade students. Honor Choir rehearses two days a week after school throughout the year, and will perform at least two times a semester, with a plan to compete at Tri-State in Enid, OK in May. Students who qualified for Honor Choir and are current members in good standing this Spring, will also be allowed the option of performing a solo at Tri-State.

Ridge Readers

ridge readers logo

Ridge Reader is a Canyon Ridge Book Club for avid and devoted readers! We all read the same book on our time and meet during lunch and recess to discuss the book.  There is a new book chosen each month.  At the meetings, we give ratings and share our thoughts about the book over lunch.  Mrs. Tobler, the CRI librarian leads the club.  There are announcements at school about signing up or see Mrs. Tobler in the library for more information or to sign up. 

Ridge Runners

Ridge Runners running program is committed to inspiring children to unlock their potential and achieve personal goals through the discipline of running. Our desire is to help kids develop a lifetime love for running and a healthy lifestyle. Our goal is to meet weekly to build running endurance, and for our runners to leave the program as healthy, happy, and confident runners.