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Counselor's Corner

Welcome to Canyon Counseling! We are so happy you are here!

The mission of Canyon Ridge Intermediate School Counseling Program is to equip each and every student with skills to be confident and successful while on their lifelong pursuit of excellence through an equitable, comprehensive school counseling program that is accessible to each and every Canyon Ridge student. Through participation in a comprehensive school counseling program, each and every student develops academic, college and career, and social and emotional skills needed to have a positive impact on their local and global community.

Our vision is that "each and every Canyon Ridge student is equipped to handle challenging situations through problem-solving and healthy coping. Each and every student functions at their highest level, resulting in a fulfilling future, contributing to their world in a meaningful way. Canyon Ridge students are respectful and inclusive of individuals from diverse backgrounds now and in the future."

Please reach out to us any time. We love your students and want to support them!

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The Mustang Counseling staff will provide a comprehensive, developmental program that addresses the academic, social and emotional and career readiness needs of all students.  For more information visit the

MPS School Counseling Page

Contact Us

Jill Holland
5th Grade Counselor
Email Me

Patti Lindsey
6th Grade Counselor
Email Me

Need to meet with the Counselors?

Resources for help & support:

Oklahoma Family Counseling Services – 405-577-5477

Red Rock Behavioral Health Services – 405-354-1928, 405-262-3209

Reachout Hotline, ODMHSAS – 800-522-9054 – 24 hours a day

HeartLine – 800-273-TALK – 24 hours a day

Youth Crisis Mobile Response HotlineYouth Crisis Mobile Response Hotline 1-833-885-CARE, 24 hour crisis assistance

Mustang/Yukon Food Pantries

Bill Pay Assistance

MPS Resource Links